The nature
is our model.

It has the right solution for everything.


You have surely experienced
this feeling before.


In winter.

You are relaxing under a deep blue sky on a mountain. Despite low temperatures, you feel comfortable in light outerwear. The sun, whose radiant heat warms your body, is responsible for this phenomenon.


In summer.

You walk into a cave on a hot day. The cool, thick walls ensure pleasant, gentle and quiet cooling inside despite the frequently high air temperatures. The heat of the body is dissipated by radiation exchange.

What's in it for you?


These natural physical phenomena of heating and cooling are utilized by
HARREITHER systems to bring comfort to buildings and rooms.


Comfort in perfection!


And that´s how it works.

Heating and cooling.

Over the floor, wall, and ceiling.



Floors, walls, and ceilings are transformed into large, homogeneous heating or cooling surfaces.


Cold outside .
Cosy and warm inside.

Hot outside.
Comfortably cool inside.


Pure quality of life

the whole year.


Quiet. Gentle. Invisible.